martes, 28 de enero de 2014

Sueño Cumplido -English version!

Os dejo un resumen el texto de "Sueño Cumplido" en Ingles.

Here is the Text "Sueño Cumplido" in Enlish!

Dream come True

On Friday 24th of January Spanish fans , specially Barcelona, the chance to meet Tom Beck.
He let us now the day before that he was coming to Barcelona for a photoshooting for the weekend, and told has that he would do a meet and greet in from the Hotel BCN Design at 19:30pm.

We took some pictures, sign some autophas and also we had the chance to chat a Little bit with him, as you can see in the other post in the videos.

He was very polite, smiling. It was pleasure to have that oportunite.
He answered some question like:

A concert in spain? He said no, because there is not enaugh people and is very expensive.
Another questions was, about the new álbum, return to Alarm für cobra 11, new projects in germany.

After about 40 minutes with the fans he went back to the hotel.
But is was a very nice chat he was very polite and answerd all the questions.

Hope this treanslation is usefull!!! (In the videos he speeks and ingles)
Any other question o suggestion just let me know!!

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